At our workshops, you will be able to
create your own unique work.
At the workshops, we encourage
creativity in a positive environment!
We will take you through every step
of making terrariums and their
requirements in a closed system,
and how to properly monitor their
development with regard to the
position of the living space and the
change of seasons.
You don't have to be an expert or
creative to participate, you just
need a little will and imagination.

All necessary materials, tools and equipment
and light refreshments are provided!
Take the terrarium you make home with you.
With the terrarium, you get a watering pipette
and a QR code with maintenance instructions.
We are happy to share our experience and believe that with things we make ourselves, we create a completely different relationship than when we buy a ready-made item.
Valentina Pop
Koncept vinskih radionica u novom prostoru omogućuje nam neograničenu konzumaciju vina poznatih lokalnih vinara u inspirativnom okruženju.
Sve naše radionice su prvenstveno ugodna druženja i razmjena iskustava dok lagano prolazimo postupak izrade.
Rado prenosim svoje iskustvo i mislim da sa stvarima koje sami napravimo stvaramo jednu potpuno drugačiju vezu nego kad kupimo gotov predmet.
Svi polaznici kući nose svoje terarije koje su izradili, QR kod sa uputstvima za održavanje istog, pipetu za zalijevanja te puno znanja koje mogu dalje iskoristiti na budućim projektima.
Mjesta su ograničena na trinaest sudionika.
Do you want to participate in the Moss & Wine workshop?
Apply via the form.
If more than one person is registering, it is necessary to register each participant separately.
Do you want to participate in the Moss & Wine workshop?
Apply via the form.
If more than one person is registering, it is necessary to register each participant.